31st January 2020

How do you find your empowerment tribe?

Finding your tribe has become something of a buzz phrase recently.   We are the measure of the 5 people that we spend the most time with so how do you find your empowerment tribe?

Firstly, be mindful of who you are spending time with, what you are listening to and what you watching.  Our unconscious minds are highly suggestible.  Watching a gripping murder mystery on the television just before you head off to the land of nod might not be the best idea for a restful night’s sleep.

On the rare occasion that I find myself in my car, I normally listen to Sunshine Radio, apparently, it’s Dublin’s easy place to relax or audiobooks on CD that I get for free from my local library.  I prefer walking or public transport as it frees up my mind and I can listen to audiobooks on Amazon audible.

Secondly; have a clear vision in mind.  I made a conscious decision last year to be more visible and put myself forward for speaking and writing opportunities and it paid off.   I wrote my goals down and took inspired action.

I was invited by 1 Plus Events to speak in Blanchardstown Corporate Park about demanding your worth.  I am delighted to be aligned with their sister company, 1 Plus Security.  We have both been accredited with the coveted Business All-Stars award.

Thirdly, take action.  What can you do today to find your empowerment tribe?

Aim to align yourself with people that enhance and support you because together everyone achieves more.

Book a complimentary coffee and conversation call with me.

Copyright 2024 Aoife Gaffney t/a Prudence Moneypenny Coaching
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